Monday, May 25, 2009

Gnewly Engaged

Mr. and Mrs. Gnorman Gnickols announce the engagement of their daughter, Gnelda, to Gned Gnewton, son of Mr and Mrs. Gneil Gnewton. The couple is planning a Fall wedding, with gnuptials taking place in the gnome home of the bride. After a honeymoon to Gnew Orleans, the couple will reside in Gnome Gnook.

© Copyright 2009 Suzzwords Text and Photo


  1. Anonymous10:07 PM

    Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Gnewton. They are so cute and make such a lovely couple. I thought the happy couple was going to make their home at Gsuzzwords Ghide-a-way. I'm sure they will be happy where ever they reside.

  2. LoveM1:25 PM

    Thanks for the gnome gnews. Gnow I can pass the good gnews onto all my gnice gneighbors.

  3. I have a children's illustrated Gnome book that I bought at the library book sale. It has all you ever wanted to know about the wee people and wonderful pictures.

  4. Who Gnew? I didn't even know they were dating!

  5. Sue Too12:32 PM

    Eager to hear more about the gnome gnuptials! That fall wedding should be happening there a gift registry at Barnes & Gnoble, The Gnome Depot or the Gnome Shopping Network?
